
Koa Validation is a middleware that helps you validate your request body, form data, headers and URL params. It provides you with a semantic and brief library of functions that validate your requests meaningfully. It has more than 40 functions to validate against most of the basic rules. However, it can also be extended if your requirements are more.

Field Validations

var app = require('koa')();
var router = (new require('koa-router'))();
var koaBody = require('koa-better-body');

require('koa-qs')(app, 'extended');

var validate = require('koa-validation');

    'multipart': true

app.use(validate());'/', function *(){
    yield this.validateBody(
            name: 'required|minLength:4',
            girlfiend: 'requiredIf:age,25',
            wife: 'requiredNotIf:age,22',
            foo: 'requiredWith:bar,baz',
            foobar: 'requiredWithAll:barbaz,bazbaz',
            gandalf: 'requiredWithout:Saruman',
            tyrion: 'requiredWithoutAll:tywin,cercei',
            age: 'numeric',
            teenage: 'digitsBetween:13,19',
            date: 'dateFormat:MMDDYYYY',
            birthdate: 'date',
            past: 'before:2015-10-06',
            future: 'after:2015-10-07',
            gender: 'in:male, female',
            genres: 'notIn:Pop,Metal',
            grade: 'accepted',
            nickname: 'alpha',
            nospaces: 'alphaDash',
            email: 'email',
            alphanum: 'alphaNumeric',
            password: 'between:6,15'
            'name.required': 'The name field is a required one'
            before: {
                name: 'lowercase',
                nickname: 'uppercase',
                snum: 'integer',
                sword: 'trim',
                lword: 'ltrim',
                rword: 'rtrim',
                dnum: 'float',
                bword: 'boolean',
            after: {
                obj: 'json',
                eword: 'escape',
                reword: 'replace:come,came',
                shaword: 'sha1',
                mdword: 'md5',
                hexword: 'hex:sha256'

    if (this.validationErrors) {
        this.status = 422;
        this.body = this.validationErrors;
    } else {
        this.status = 200;
        this.body = { success: true }


File Validations

var app = require('koa')();
var router = (new require('koa-router'))();
var koaBody = require('koa-better-body');

require('koa-qs')(app, 'extended');

var validate = require('koa-validation');

    'multipart': true

app.use(validate());'/files', function *(){
    yield this.validateFiles({
        'imgFile': 'required|image',
        'imgFile1': 'mime:jpg',
        'imgFile2': 'extension:jpg',
        'pkgFile': 'name:package'
    },true, {}, {
        jsFile: {
            action: 'move',
            args: __dirname + '/../files/tmp/rules.js',
            callback: function *(validator, file, destination){
                validator.addError(jsFile, 'action', 'move', 'Just checking if the callback action works!!')
        imgFile: [
                action: 'copy',
                args: __dirname + '/../files/tmp/panda.jpg'
                action: 'delete'

    if (this.validationErrors) {
        this.status = 422;
        this.body = this.validationErrors;
    } else {
        this.status = 200;
        this.body = { success: true }

